Book Information

“The first time I read Renate Model’s poems was when we both were on a riverboat cruise down the Mississippi. I was pleasantly surprised to find such beautiful poetry in such a romantic setting. Renate’s poetry is beautifully laid out with evocative imagery that reflects on love and loss. Renate is a poet who wants to be understood and as such is approachable. Her poems are musical and yet, not singing. They flow like lilac honey, yet they are also bittersweet like an old photograph. You should read her poetry – it is like experiencing an ‘orchid-eyed Zebra.’”

Dave Duggan

“Renate Model’s robust imagery and compelling juxtaposition of phrase create a riveting atmosphere, drawing the reader in to share fully in the emotion evoked in each of her poems.”

Gerard Belliveau, Assistant Chief
Librarian for General Research,
New York Public Library, (retired)